Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Finish Line!

The project is complete and we couldn’t be happier with the result! All that remains is punch list items, and those are usually inside the sewer structures, so as far as the eye can see, we have crossed the finish line. The landscaping contractor still may have a couple of waterings remaining, but this rain and cool weather has been very good for the new sod. Just a reminder to residents: you should still wait a little while longer before mowing the new sod. It helps the sod take root if the grass isn’t too short.

To those residents that had brick or stone driveways, you are free to re-install those now. As stated in letters and notices that were sent before the project began, any brick/stone work is the responsibility of the resident.

Residents: Please keep your eyes out for a survey from the Village. The Village really appreciates any responses/comments you may have to better improve future year projects. Thanks for all your cooperation throughout the work.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Final Paving Schedule

The final layer of asphalt is scheduled to be placed on Thursday, September 17th. Early Thursday morning, the existing asphalt surface will be coated with fresh oil and sand. The oil will help the top coat of asphalt to bond to the existing layer. The layer of sand is to help to prevent tracking the oil onto driveways. We ask residents to please try to keep driving to a minimum between 7:00am and 9:00am while the oil dries. If the oil must be driven on, drivers should proceed slowly to help prevent splattering onto the vehicle.

The contractor will follow up immediately with the placing of 2 inches of asphalt on Thursday and Friday. Of course paving is weather contingent, if paving cannot start Thursday, then it will begin the next available dry day.

Access to driveways will still be available, although there may be short delays during the paving process. Please adjust schedules accordingly. We will be in contact with the school buses to notify them of the schedule.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Now that the binder level of asphalt is complete, there are several things that need to be done before surface can be placed. Some things have all ready begun; as many drivers may have noticed, the frames of the structures have been broken out, meaning the binder asphalt was opened up so that the frame of the structure can be placed at the correct elevation. The parkway restoration has begun, starting with the clearing and smoothing out of the areas that will get restored, and then placing topsoil. The sod will not be placed until AFTER the surface asphalt has been installed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The paving subcontractor is onsite this afternoon to pave the remaining portion of West Ridgewood. They will be back on Monday to complete the binder. Landscape restoration will resume after the binder is placed, and sod will be placed sometime in September.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

On Friday, August 7, DiMeo will begin grading the remaining roads, West Ridgewood (north of Pleasant Lane), Linden Lane and Glen Oak Drive, in preparation for paving. The schedule is to place the binder lift (bottom layer) of asphalt on those roads late next week. We ask residents to please plan accordingly when coming and going on any day paving is taking place; they may need to wait a few minutes or find a different route.

After the contractor has completed paving the first layer of asphalt on all streets, work will begin to remove all of the debris from the site, grade the parkways and place topsoil, in preparation for sod. The sod work will not begin until September, when temperatures are cool enough to ensure that the sod does not die in the heat of the day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Asphalt pavement on East Ridgewood, Pleasant and West Ridgewood (south of Pleasant) will be completed as of this morning! The remaining binder will be done at one time, and this will commence once the underground work is done, the pavement is removed, and the roadway is prepped. This is scheduled to happen within the next few weeks.

Underground utility work is nearing completion. All work that remains is located on the north half of Glen Oak. This includes water services and sanitary manholes. This work should be completed by the end of next week, weather permitting.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Storm sewer installation continues on West Ridgewood north of Glen Oak, Glen Oak and Linden.

DiMeo is presently grading the road in preparation for asphalt paving. The asphalt paving subcontractor, Arrow Road Construction, will be onsite in the next few days to complete the prep work for the roadway on East Ridgewood, Pleasant, and West Ridgewood (south of Pleasant only) for paving with asphalt. The schedule is to place the binder lift (bottom layer) of asphalt on those roads sometime in the next week. Please plan accordingly when coming and going on any day paving is taking place; residents may need to wait a few minutes or find a different route. Thanks for understanding!

Friday, July 10, 2009

All water main work is now complete and storm sewer installation has been completed on Pleasant and East Ridgewood; the remaining storm sewer work is currently underway. As the storm sewer work is being done, pavement removal is following behind. Storm sewer installation should take approximately 2 more weeks, weather permitting.

Nicor Gas was on site to relocate the gas main on West Ridgewood this week to make way for the new storm sewer. Their work is now complete and they have moved off site.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Storm Sewer Installation

DiMeo Bros. Construction has successfully completed all water main installation onsite. Though a few water services do remain to be completed, as well as two final connections to existing water main, work on water main is largely complete. Storm sewer installation has resumed starting at the intersection of Pleasant Lane and East Ridgewood Lane. Construction of storm sewer and drainage structures will continue for the next several weeks. As DiMeo Bros. Construction works down the street they will be removing asphalt pavement as they go. Due to the nature of the work being completed, road closures are necessary and will be posted as such.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Work continues on the water main installation, but it is nearing completion. Once the water main has been completely installed, one contractor crew will work on completing the water service installations, while another crew resumes work on the storm sewer. Storm sewer was installed on Balmoral, Kenilworth and Ridgewood East up to Pleasant. The crew will start at the intersection of Ridgewood East and Pleasant and continue laying main line.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


NICOR Gas will have a crew on site within the next week. NICOR will have to relocate parts of their gas mains that are in the way of the new storm sewer. Although the work NICOR does is necessary for the completion of this project, they do not work for the Village, and any questions, comments, or complaints should be referred to their office. You can contact their customer service department at: 1 888 Nicor4u (1 888 642-6748).

Storm Sewer Installation

With the water main work winding down, the contractor will begin focusing on completing the storm sewer installation.

Each house will receive an inlet in the front yard, within Right Of Way, to be connected the storm sewer. Residents will be receiving a stake, painted green, with a note of instructions for the location of drainage structures along the parkway. Drainage structures are typically placed in an area in the parkway that is low and holds water, so that these areas will drain properly. Connections can then be made by homeowners to drain other areas of the property, or connect sump pumps

Current Activity

The stone has been placed for asphalt paving on Balmoral and Kenilworth. The first layer of asphalt will be completed this week.

Water main is now installed on Ridgewood East. It has been pressure tested and service installation on that road will begin this week. Services have been completed along the south end of Ridgewood West and Pleasant. All that remains for water main installation is along the north end of Ridgewood West, Glen Oak Drive and Linden Lane.

The contractor will continue to work on water main, with the plan to have all water main and service lines installed by mid next week. Once that is complete, work will continue on the storm sewer, which has been installed up to Pleasant and Ridgewood East.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Lots of work has been going on around Glen Oak Acres! The storm sewer is now complete on Balmoral and Kenilworth and the contractor began removing pavement today. The plan is to place the binder level (bottom level) of asphalt on those two streets to be able to move away from them while work continues throughout the acres. The asphalt work should happen within the next couple of weeks.

Underground work has continued along Pleasant and Ridgewood East. Mostly water main is being installed right now. Water main along Pleasant is complete and the crew is now going to work their way north on Ridgewood East.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Water Main Shut Down on Ridgewood West

The water main along Ridgewood Drive West, south of Pleasant, will be shut down on Friday, May 22 at 9 AM for approximately 4 – 6 hours. The new water main is being connected to the old water main. All services along Ridgewood West from Pleasant to Wildwood are now connected to the new water main; this connection will complete the loop. Residents to be affected will be notified by the water department.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Water Main Installation

The crew completed water main installation along Ridgewood West (south from Pleasant) at the end of last week. The water main was pressure tested and passed. A pressure test is when the newly installed water main is filled with water to a pressure of 150 psi (pounds per square inch). The water main needs to hold that pressure for 2 hours. If the pressure were to drop, that could signal a leak. Leaks are nothing to worry about in this stage because the water main has not been connected yet, so they’re easy to fix. After the pressure test, a water main is chlorinated to get it nice and clean. Then it is tested (to make sure there’s not chlorine remaining in the system), and flushed numerous times. Now that the water main is installed and tested along Ridgewood West (south of Pleasant to Wildwood), the contractor will begin installing house services. This will involve a short-duration water shut off to each house, but residents will be notified when that will happen. This work should begin on Monday, weather permitting.

Construction along Kenilworth

The crew that has been working on Kenilworth has almost all the storm sewer installed. They will place storm sewer along Ridgewood East from Kenilworth to Pleasant and then will begin installing water main on Pleasant from the East side.

A Nicor crew should be out on Monday at Kenilworth and Balmoral to lower a gas main.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Water Main Shut Down - Thursday, May 14

The water main along Kenilworth and Balmoral will need to be shut down at 9 AM on Thursday, May 14, 2009 for approximately 4 hours. Public Works will be distributing notices to those residents affected. Thank you for your understanding!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Construction Update

Water Main Installation

Water main installation has continued on Ridgewood Lane West, south from Pleasant. The new water main will connect to the existing water main at Wildwood. Once the connection is made, the crew will start installing water main along Pleasant.

Construction along Kenilworth

The crew that is working on Kenilworth is doing a couple different things right now. Storm sewer installation is almost complete on Balmoral (just need to do a connection at the intersection of Kenilworth), and continues on Kenilworth. The water main shut down that happened yesterday, May 7th, was done because the water main connection on Kenilworth has to go under the storm sewer. So the crew made the connection, placed a little bit of water main, and turned the water back on. They will continue on water main installation. From Kenilworth, they will proceed north on Ridgewood Lane East.

School Bus Routes

Di Meo will be placing water main on Pleasant next week. The bus company has been alerted that there may be short delays, but the crew WILL accommodate them.

The bus that runs along Ridgewood Lane East will be rerouted on Wednesday, May 13th. Please be looking for an update from the bus company. We are doing everything we can to accommodate the buses and to make sure everyone gets to school smoothly. Thanks for understanding!

Some Before Photos

Ridgewood Lane East, Glen Oak Drive, and Balmoral Ave.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Construction So Far

Construction began on Monday, April 13th. The contractor, DiMeo Bros., Inc., began with storm sewer installation on Balmoral Ave at Linden Lane. New storm sewer will be installed through the entire project.

A second crew began working on Tuesday, April 28th. They started watermain installation at the intersection of Sunset Ridge Rd and Pleasant Lane. They will first install watermain on Ridgewood West, south from Pleasant.