Water Main Installation
The crew completed water main installation along Ridgewood West (south from Pleasant) at the end of last week. The water main was pressure tested and passed. A pressure test is when the newly installed water main is filled with water to a pressure of 150 psi (pounds per square inch). The water main needs to hold that pressure for 2 hours. If the pressure were to drop, that could signal a leak. Leaks are nothing to worry about in this stage because the water main has not been connected yet, so they’re easy to fix. After the pressure test, a water main is chlorinated to get it nice and clean. Then it is tested (to make sure there’s not chlorine remaining in the system), and flushed numerous times. Now that the water main is installed and tested along Ridgewood West (south of Pleasant to Wildwood), the contractor will begin installing house services. This will involve a short-duration water shut off to each house, but residents will be notified when that will happen. This work should begin on Monday, weather permitting.
Construction along
The crew that has been working on
A Nicor crew should be out on Monday at Kenilworth and Balmoral to lower a gas main.