Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Asphalt pavement on East Ridgewood, Pleasant and West Ridgewood (south of Pleasant) will be completed as of this morning! The remaining binder will be done at one time, and this will commence once the underground work is done, the pavement is removed, and the roadway is prepped. This is scheduled to happen within the next few weeks.

Underground utility work is nearing completion. All work that remains is located on the north half of Glen Oak. This includes water services and sanitary manholes. This work should be completed by the end of next week, weather permitting.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Storm sewer installation continues on West Ridgewood north of Glen Oak, Glen Oak and Linden.

DiMeo is presently grading the road in preparation for asphalt paving. The asphalt paving subcontractor, Arrow Road Construction, will be onsite in the next few days to complete the prep work for the roadway on East Ridgewood, Pleasant, and West Ridgewood (south of Pleasant only) for paving with asphalt. The schedule is to place the binder lift (bottom layer) of asphalt on those roads sometime in the next week. Please plan accordingly when coming and going on any day paving is taking place; residents may need to wait a few minutes or find a different route. Thanks for understanding!

Friday, July 10, 2009

All water main work is now complete and storm sewer installation has been completed on Pleasant and East Ridgewood; the remaining storm sewer work is currently underway. As the storm sewer work is being done, pavement removal is following behind. Storm sewer installation should take approximately 2 more weeks, weather permitting.

Nicor Gas was on site to relocate the gas main on West Ridgewood this week to make way for the new storm sewer. Their work is now complete and they have moved off site.